Friday, November 24, 2006


Year 11 Mock Exam

The Mock Exam is posted below. Your homework is to make sure you have completed first drafts of Tasks 1 and 2 by your next lesson (Thursday 30-11-06). Use the Music Press Links to help you with research.

General Certificate of Secondary Education


Year 11 Mock Controlled Test (Thursday 7-12-06, 1.10-4.10)

To be distributed to candidates on 24th November 2006. Another copy of this paper will be provided for use in the exam.

Time allowed: 3 hours


22 Piccadilly

20th November 2006

21st Century Music Magazines

Hi Music Fans,

Thank you for applying to join our production team for the launch of one our new music magazines. In preparation for our next planning meeting you are all being asked to respond to the following tasks.

We are aiming to produce new weekly and monthly music magazines aimed at an increasingly sophisticated audience, who get their music information from a variety of different sources, including the internet.

Music magazines are currently declining in sales so we need to come up with titles that are exciting and original to cater for the demands of today’s music fans. We are considering a range of ideas representing the whole range of currently popular music genres but are looking for something commercially viable in today’s competitive market.

Prepare your responses to the following tasks ready for our next planning meeting. Remember to keep your ideas clear and to the point.

Speak soon,

Pip Edwards

Task 1 Total for this question: 25 marks

It would help us to develop our new titles if we could be clear about how the music press has developed since the 1950s. Give us your thoughts and discuss the significant changes.

Task 2 Total for this question: 25 marks

Task 3 Total for this question: 25 marks

We need you to come up with firm plans for a new music magazine so would like you to write a proposal including the following:

Task 4 Total for this question: 25 marks

Design a mock-up for the launch issue of your magazine.

Make careful annotations to show the thinking behind your design decisions. Use the A3 design sheets.

We look forward to seeing your ideas. Good luck!


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